Category: Personal Injury

Erb’s Palsy Lawsuit Settlements Amounts

Even in the best of conditions, childbirth can be dangerous for both mother and baby. You might have made it through the birth process believing that your baby was completely healthy — only to realize that they seemed to have trouble moving one of their arms. This is a sign of Erb’s palsy, a nerve injury that is sometimes caused by medical negligence. Treatment for Erb’s palsy may include intensive therapies and surgeries. If the condition developed because of a healthcare pro... CONTINUE READING

Birth Injury Lawsuit Settlements | What Can You Recover in a Birth Injury Case?

Bringing a new baby into the world is one of the most meaningful moments you can experience. However, if your baby suffers an injury due to medical negligence or incompetence, that moment can be tainted. Birth injury lawsuit settlements cannot undo your baby’s injury, but they can provide you with the funds you need to get your child the best possible care. How much can you recover? Here is a closer look. Many different fact... CONTINUE READING

Cerebral Palsy Lawsuit Settlement Amounts

Many parents-to-be dream of bringing a healthy, happy baby into the world. So if that baby is born with cerebral palsy, it is easy to feel scared or overwhelmed. Your baby’s medical condition does not make you love them any less. However, it may make you worry about how you will afford your child’s medical treatment and give them the best possible chance of a full life. If your baby’s cerebral palsy was caused by medical negligence, you may be able to recover financial compensation. Her... CONTINUE READING

How To File A Personal Injury Claim

The path to receiving compensation for your injuries can be complicated and daunting. Each personal injury case is unique. Exactly what is needed and how long it takes will depend on the circumstances surrounding your accident, the severity of your injuries, the other side’s level of cooperation, and case complexity. To help you know what to expect, we have created a general guide to filing a personal injury claim. What Is A Personal Injury Claim? A personal injury cla... CONTINUE READING

What Is the Difference Between Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse?

If you are concerned about the care your loved one is receiving in a nursing home, you might have begun looking for a lawyer who can help. Online, you will likely find more references to nursing home abuse lawyers than nursing home neglect lawyers. This leaves many people wondering, “What is the difference between nursing home neglect and abuse?” Technically, nursing home neglect is a form of nursing home abuse. Whether you think your loved one is experiencing abuse or neglect i... CONTINUE READING

Warning Signs of Nursing Home Neglect

When your elderly loved one goes to live in a nursing home, you assume they are going to live out the rest of their days with the individualized care and attention their health demands. Tragically, however, nursing home residents often fall victim to nursing home neglect in Massachusetts. It is essential for anyone with a relative in a nursing home to know the warning signs of nursing home neglect and how to take action when they appear. If you know or suspect that a loved one livin... CONTINUE READING

When Should You Hire an Elder Abuse Lawyer?

Your elderly loved one deserves the best of care. Elder abuse is a crime in Massachusetts, and you can press charges when a caretaker or nursing home worker abuses or neglects your elderly loved one. With the help of a skilled elder abuse lawyer, you may also be able to recover elder abuse compensation. People who discover elder abuse often wonder, “When should you hire an elder abuse lawyer?” It is always worth consulting an attorney for elder abuse to learn more about your opt... CONTINUE READING

What Is Modified Comparative Negligence in Massachusetts?

In some states, personal injury victims who are as little as 1% responsible for injuries they suffer are barred from seeking compensation from someone else. However, in Massachusetts, a different system -- known as modified comparative negligence -- is in place. What is modified comparative negligence in Massachusetts? It is a way of factoring in the fault of an injury victim without prohibiting them from pursuing damages up to a certain percentage of their own fault.... CONTINUE READING

When to File a Construction Accident Lawsuit

Construction sites contain many hazards that can lead to dangerous accidents. In fact, over 170,000 construction accidents happen each year nationwide, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. If you or someone you care about got hurt in an accident at a construction site, you might be wondering if you should take legal acti... CONTINUE READING

Important Coverage Areas on an Insurance Policy

You have many options when securing auto insurance, but the important coverage areas on an insurance policy may differ. Many people focus on just meeting state minimum coverage requirements, but this is usually not as much as you would actually need should you have an accident -- damage and injury costs can be quite high. Including collision and comprehensive auto insurance in your policy can protect... CONTINUE READING

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    What Is the Graves Amendment?

    Accidents Happen All the Time Unfortunately, accidents on our roadways occur frequently, and they often have life-altering impacts. Time and time again we have been told that if we were in an accident due to the negligence of another person or entity, we would have the opportunity to...