Category: Wrongful Death

What Qualifies As a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

Unintentional injury deaths are among the top five leading causes of death in the United States. Over 150,000 American families lose loved ones each year as a result of unintentional injuries caused by or due to the fault of another person or entity. Moving on from the passing of a loved one is extremely difficult, but it's especially tough when a loved one dies because of someone else's fault. It is a sudden and tragic situation that can leave the surviving family bearing the overw... CONTINUE READING

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    Can You Represent Yourself in a Personal Injury Claim?

    If you have been injured and are considering retaining legal representation, you may be wondering, Can you represent yourself in a personal injury claim? A better question might be, Should you represent yourself in a personal injury claim? Although these questions sound similar, the...