What to Do if a UPS Truck Hits Your Car

Car accidents involve all types of vehicles, including UPS trucks. If you are wondering what to do if a UPS truck hits your car, you are not alone. Most people involved in a crash with a UPS truck find themselves wondering exactly what they are supposed to do to recover compensation. Fortunately, the process is not much different than in any other type of motor vehicle accident. UPS carries generous liability coverage on its trucks, which means a skilled lawyer should be able to help you recover the compensation you need.

Steps to Take When a UPS Truck Hits Your Car

When a UPS driver hits your car, a UPS truck accident lawyer can help you recover compensation through the company’s insurance coverage. However, you need to know what steps to take after the crash to increase your chances of recovering the money you need.

Call the Police

The first thing to do when a UPS truck hits your car is to call the police and ask them to come to the scene and make a report. Having a police report on file helps establish the time, date, and details of the accident. This will allow a clear identification of the UPS driver and help protect you if the UPS driver later tries to claim they were not the driver or the car accident was not their fault.

Get the UPS Driver’s Contact Information

You will need contact information for the UPS driver to file an insurance claim. Helpful information includes the driver’s name, contact information, and other identifying information, such as the truck’s USDOT number. Try to take a picture of the vehicle’s license plate and the drivers license of the operator.

Take Photos of the Vehicles

Photographs of the accident help establish the level of damage that occurred. Take photos of the position of both vehicles before they are moved and take close-up photos of all damage. If you were injured, take photographs of your injuries and see a doctor as soon as possible.

Obtain Witness Contact Information

Eyewitness testimony helps corroborate your version of events. This is sometimes needed, especially if the UPS driver later changes their version of the story or the UPS insurance provider tries to claim you were at fault for the accident.

Call a UPS Truck Accident Lawyer

When you are wondering what to do if a UPS truck hits your car, there is one step that is the most important: call a UPS truck accident lawyer as soon as possible. You need a lawyer to help build a strong case for liability, establish your case value, and negotiate a settlement. Without a lawyer handling your UPS accident claim, there is a high chance of walking away with much less compensation than you deserve.

Did a UPS truck hit your car in Springfield, MA? Call Cava Law Firm at (413) 737-3430 or (413) 781-CAVA (2282) to discuss how we can help with compensation.

Liability for a UPS Accident

UPS truck accidents are much like any other type of crash — they happen for a wide variety of reasons. Often, a UPS crash happens due to driver error. Some of the most common ways driver error causes a UPS accident include:

  • Distracted driving;
  • Reckless driving;
  • Driving under the influence;
  • Drowsy driving;
  • Cell phone use; and
  • Speeding.

Certain types of UPS drivers must hold a commercial driver’s license. In some cases, a crash might be related to UPS hiring an underqualified or inexperienced driver. In other cases, a lack of proper truck maintenance could be the reason for the crash. When issues with the truck itself cause a crash, liability can grow more complicated.

Liability for a UPS truck accident depends on how and why the crash occurred. You need a skilled lawyer working to establish liability so you can recover the compensation you need.

A truck accident could occur because UPS failed to service the truck and have necessary repairs performed. Repair issues could be the fault of a negligent mechanic who failed to put the truck back together safely. In some cases, there might be issues with how the truck was designed or manufactured, and this gives rise to a product liability claim against the designer or manufacturer. Because identifying liability is such a complex process, it is important to have an experienced UPS truck accident lawyer handling your claim.

How a UPS Truck Accident Lawyer Can Help

Reliable Representation

UPS carries generous policies for both bodily injury and property damage. As of 2024, UPS is insured for up to one million dollars in liability coverage. This means the compensation you need to cover any accident costs is available — but that does not mean UPS always makes it easy to recover the compensation you need.

You need a skilled UPS truck accident attorney on your case to protect your rights and help fight for compensation. As a lawyer works on your case, they may:

  • Conduct an investigation;
  • Obtain eyewitness testimony;
  • Collect traffic or security camera footage;
  • Identify why the crash occurred;
  • Build a case for liability;
  • File an insurance claim; and
  • Negotiate a settlement.

Most of the time, a UPS accident claim should end with your lawyer successfully negotiating a settlement. In some cases, the UPS insurance provider will try to deny responsibility or refuse to offer the settlement you need. When that happens, your lawyer may recommend filing a lawsuit and taking the case to court. However, a lawsuit is an expensive ordeal, and UPS will usually try to avoid having a case going to court.

Call Our Springfield, MA, UPS Truck Accident Lawyers

Winning Is NO Accident!

When negligence by UPS or one of its drivers results in a crash, the resulting vehicle damage, medical bills, and lost wages should not be your financial burden to bear. Cava Law Firm is a personal injury firm located in Springfield, MA. Our skilled attorneys have decades of experience and have recovered millions for our clients. We are available to review your case and help you understand your options for recovering compensation for the damage caused by a negligent UPS driver.

When a negligent UPS driver hits your car, you should not have to pay the price. Call Cava Law Firm at (413) 737-3430 or (413) 781-CAVA (2282) to speak with a UPS truck accident lawyer in Springfield, MA.

Attorney Jennifer L. Cava-Foreman

Attorney Jennifer L. Cava-Foreman would like to take the guesswork out of choosing a lawyer by letting the facts and her winning verdicts speak for themselves. Attorney Cava-Foreman is known in the local courts and has firsthand experience with many types of cases ranging from personal injury to criminal defense. Attorney Cava-Foreman understands that every case and every client is different. Whether a client is injured or mixed up in a criminal matter, she will provide the legal advice needed and stand up for her client in court. [ Attorney Bio ]

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